Heavenly Daze - We have so much to anticipate!

Inspirational Articles and Stories
Gathered to Bless You

Master's Card - Using the television ads for Master's Card benefits to illustrate how Christians are advertisements for the benefits available to those who have trusted in Jesus Christ, the Master who paid our accounts in full.

Return from Dunkirk - Good News, written on a telegraph about his return, was a comfort to this man's mother, and trigger's thoughts on the book of Good News for mankind.

Installing LOVE - A modern parable about love coming in to transform a heart the way software is installed on a computer.

You Took My Place - A little story of a stranger in church, who parked, and sat in the places others thought were theirs.

Math by Moses - The Biggest Mathematical Miracle In The World! Someone has calculated the logistical needs of Moses and the people of Israel as they traveled through the desert - and how did Moses deal with these problems?

A More Thoughtful Lord's Prayer - The author is interrupted by God, while trying to pray the Lord's Prayer, finding in the dialogue that she really learns to understand and mean the prayer more fully.

Inspirational index * Main index

Heavenly Daze
Saskatoon, SK. Canada