Heavenly Daze - We have so much to anticipate!

Links We Like and Recommend

Ruthe's Secret Roses"In the Garden" theme for my novel about friendship and godly mentoring. I offer a Sharing Library full of articles, Resources for fledgling entrepreneurs, and beyond the Arbour Gate, helps in writing and spiritual growth. The RoseBouquet is my chatty blog AND ezine with inspirational articles.

Heart 2 Heart a poetry chapbook by the same author as Ruthe's Secret Roses.

Angel Encounters in the Bible - a free e-book with 31 articles, eachone studying the real accounts described in the Bible where someone met up with an angel. Each article also shows how we can apply a personal lesson from that story.

Our favourite author's ezines and blogs! The RoseBouquet (weekly) ,

A Godly Inheritance Offering GEDCOMs for your Genealogy Database and my family histories. GEDCOMs (GEnealogical Database COMmunications) are generic genealogy database files that can be exported out of one program and put into almost any other genealogical program. You can save countless hours of keying, when you import another's GEDCOM into your program, adding huge branches in seconds.

Bouquet of Enterprizes - small business ideas, with imagination and creativity, about publishing goals, being a generous giver, and having God involved in business ventures with high ethical standards.

Generosity is Alive and Well - Not to steal anyone's final reward, but we do want to draw more attention to the skill are art of being a wise and generous giver. The owner has long desired to be a generous, extravagant, but also a very wise and discerning giver. This site profiles and draws attention to worthy causes, missions and ministries that deserve generosity.

PMC Ministries, Tanzania - About the Pentecostal Missionary Church, and it's leader/pastor, Gervase Masanja, in Tanzania. Gervase is an enterprising leader, looking for ways to help his very poor people with jobs and self-employment, as well as the gospel.

Revival Time Ministry (Uganda) - an indigenous and an inter-denominational Christian NGO founded by Pastor Isaac Peter Oyako in 1993. Revival Time Ministry is not a local church, but does actively win converts to Christ as a result of evangelistic outreach programs. The new converts, or even the local churches founded, are taken care of by local-church planting organizations with sound and acceptable Christian doctrines. Evangelism , Discipleship Training and Social Development interventions define the core activities over the past 15 years.

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Heavenly Daze
Saskatoon, SK. Canada