Heavenly Daze - We have so much to anticipate!

Ruthe's Secret Roses - by Ruth Marlene Friesen
Ruthe's Secret Roses
our favorite author's 1st novel

Articles and Stories About God

We all have some questions about God. Theologians might have fine, intricate explanations, but in the end we understand best through stories and simple illustrations. We remember those answers better too. That is why we are gathering those simple stories and answers here to help you understand Who God is, and What He is like.

God and the Geese

An unbelieving farmer wants to persuade a flock of geese caught in a storm to come into his barn - he wishes he could become one of them and speak their language. Then realizes that is exactly what God has done for us.

A Muslim Looks at Muhammad and Jesus - a thoughtful article by a Muslim who carefully compared Muhammad and Jesus. This article is on EveryStudent.com and we recommend it as an important one to read.
exploring questions about life and God at EveryStudent.com

Seasonal Invocation - a prayer as we enter the Christmas season and find situations and people that are irritating.

About God index * Main index

Heavenly Daze
Saskatoon, SK. Canada