Heavenly Daze - We have so much to anticipate!

Ruthe's Secret Roses - by Ruth Marlene Friesen
Ruthe's Secret Roses

Angel Encounters in the Bible - by Ruth Marlene

Angel Encounters in the Bible

A Study of the Bible Stories
in which People Encountered Angels

Looking for Lessons About Real Angels
and Practical Applications for Ourselves

By special permission of the author, we are presenting the articles in this collection as found in the e-book, which you may also freely download right from our site.

Click the links below to sample the articles right here;

Table of Contents

1 - Someone Better Than Angels
2 - Eden's Enforcer Angel
3 - The Angel of the Lord - Who Sees Us
4 - Entertaining and Talking with Angels
5 - Sometimes Angels Rescue Idiots
6 - Angel Holdups
7 - Good Gideon's Courage
8 - Solutions Like Samson
9 - Angelic Energy Food
10 - Your Avenging Angel
11 - Walking with An Angel in the Furnace
12 - A Mouth-Stopping Angel
13 - The Angel with Answers
14 - Angels on Guard for You
15 - Angels with Gentle, Comforting Words
16 - Joseph's Travel-Agent Angel
17 - When You Meet a Bad Angel
18 - What Jesus Said About Angels
19 - The Christmas Angels
20 - The Most Thrilling Angel Message of All Time
21 - After Jesus' Ascension
22 - Jail Breaking Angels
23 - A Search Assistant Angel
24 - Angels Know the Shortcuts
25 - Angel on a Shipwreck
26 - The Quick Executioner Angel
27 - The Letter-writing Angel-Jesus
28 - Angel Activity in Heaven
29 - Michael Makes War in Heaven
30 - The Beasts and the Harvest Angels
31 - 7 Angels with 7 Bowls of Plagues!
32 - The Angel Guide to Babylon's Future
33 - A Tour of and Invitation to the Holy City
My Summary Thoughts
About Ruth Marlene Friesen, the author.

Heavenly Daze
Saskatoon, SK. Canada